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Homeowners & Renters Insurance

Dan Frankel

Updated: Dec 6, 2024

Acacia Insurance is committed to providing just the right insurance coverage for your home and personal needs. Our firm has been serving clients across New England, New York, and twenty other states across the U.S. since 1988. We specialize in designing insurance strategies that provide ample property coverage while limiting your exposure to unknown risks like personal liability.

Whether you’re renting an apartment or have just bought an estate home—our wide range of home insurance packages will protect your investment in your home, vacation property, boat, and valuables.

Have you made improvements to your home over the years? Did you inherit or buy a second home? Is your jewelry covered by your home insurance? Would insurance extend to your trampoline or pool?

The right options for you

Insurance for your home, condo, or apartment should be tailored to your needs. You should know what is insured and for how much before a claim occurs.

Not sure what coverage options are right for you? Start by telling us about you, your home, and asking questions about what insurance covers.

Beyond the Basics:

Ins and Outs of the Massachusetts Homestead Law

Is your home underinsured?

Why is the market value of my home different from the amount of insurance I have?

FAQs on home replacement costs and "Dwelling A" coverage limits

Stormy Weather—FAQs

Dealing with ice dams

Planning for a natural disaster

If you heat your home with oil, read this

Condominium coverage gaps and pitfalls

Home office insurance tips

The mystical world of claims payments, revealed!

Ready to learn more?

Acacia Insurance has been helping to make the unexpected uneventful since 1988, and we look forward to working with you. Please contact us with questions and for additional information.


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